13 June 2010

12 June (Isaiah 59-62)

Isaiah 59

(v.2) The main difference between heaven and hell will be that hell is the permanent separation from God. I believe it will be an eternal torment to catch a glimpse of what people would've had if they followed Jesus, and spend eternity knowing they made the wrong choice.

(v.8) Whoever chooses to reject God will never find peace. They will spend eternity without it. I explain to my kids, that if they imagine the worst injury they've had, and imagine that the pain will NEVER go away like it does in our God-made bodies now...then they might get an idea of what the eternal torment is like.

(v.16) God had to resolve our sinful nature Himself...there was no person who was completely innocent that could atone for our sins. Only the innocent blood of Jesus washes away our sin!

Isaiah 60

(v.2) Isaiah is describing the Great Tribulation that will befall Israel for half of the seven year tribulation period. But God will save them, and when Jesus has claimed His throne (the throne of David), He will reign for 1,000 years, called the Millennium. This is the time that God will bless Israel again, and the whole world will look to Israel for light.

(v.19) Just like when God created the earth in the beginning, His light will be sufficient for everything!

Isaiah 61

(v.1) This is written as if Jesus is saying it Himself. Here we see that Jesus' first coming was to give hope to the poor and brokenhearted, but most of all, to conquer sin and death. When He comes the second time, He will come in judgment, and call His own home to Him in heaven, and throw the wicked away.

(v.9) Ever since the time of Abraham, to the Crusades, to the Concentration Camps of WW2, and the immense anti-semitism rampant in the world now, finally the Jews will be looked upon with respect by the world. They won't have to give way to some power that is persecuting them...they will stand tall and bask in the love and provision of the LORD!

Isaiah 62

(v.5) The customs of the Jewish wedding are so much like the Groom (Jesus) and His Bride (the Church). Do a study on this and you will be amazed at how they match perfectly!

(v.11) After God raptures His Church, He will focus on Israel again, and save them from themselves and their enemies. They will be exalted and saved by God, and He will be joyful in blessing them again!

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