30 September 2010

24 Sep (Matt 24:1-31)

The Gospels: Jesus Shares the End of Times

Matthew 24:1-31

(v.2) I can't go into all the theories and discussions about the last times, for there are groups of people that think we're in the times Jesus discusses here, ones that think it's already happened, and those that believe it will happen in the future.

This verse is a direct prophecy to the sacking of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 A.D. They utterly destroyed the Temple and the city.

(v.4) Jesus warns us many times to be wise, and not to let false teachers deceive us. This goes for me as well, so do your homework! However, I have this blog, so I will share what I teach my kids, and you can use that as a springboard to look into these things further.

(v.8) Many good teachers that I respect believe we are in the times Jesus speaks about in this verse...the leading up to the Great Tribulation of Israel. We are getting close, but the Rapture will happen before that...at any time! We could be Raptured while I'm typing this! Wouldn't that be awesome?!?

(v.12) I look back on my childhood, and marvel at how simpler and kinder that time was. With technology and the falling away from God in our society, we have become a colder people. We don't hang out in the neighborhood anymore. We don't picnic all day with our neighbors after church on Sundays...we're too busy and self-absorbed. We are getting close to the LORD's return!

(v.15) Now, Jesus shifts forward in time to the actual Tribulation of Israel, and it will be set into super-size mode when the Antichrist blasphemes God in the Temple.

By the way, some of you may ask, "What Temple?" Well, the plans to build it are ready, and all that has to happen, is for what Daniel prophesied in Dan 9:27 to happen. The Antichrist will make a deal with the Muslims and Israel, and the Jews will be allowed to build their Temple again. The Jews are right now ready to go...they have the old blueprints and directions from the Torah!

(v.21) The Tribulation lasts exactly seven years. The Great Tribulation starts halfway through that time...three and a half years. This is when the Antichrist breaks his promise to the Jews, and literally all hell breaks loose on the earth. Fortunately for us in Christ, we will be in heaven watching and waiting to come back with our King!

(v.29) Now Jesus shifts to His return. The Jews will be at their wits end, and it will look like they will be all killed. But their Messiah will return, and He will save them and bring judgment upon the evil doers of Satan!

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