27 March 2010

Mar 27 (Psa 49, 50, 73, 84)

Songs About Right and Wrong

Psalm 49

(v.7) This is a verse that contradicts what the Roman Catholic Church taught, and why Martin Luther and other Catholic priests rebelled. The RCC was corrupt, and taught the people that they could by their own way, and their dead relative's way, out of Pergatory by indulgences. This was not Scriptural, and was opposed by the Reformers. Satan has entered the Church after he realized that his persecution of it was making the Church grow. All denominations, and all cults are man-made, and prone to corruption. The only way to keep ourselves on track, is to obey God's Word...not man's word.

Jesus is the ONLY way to salvation...not by our works, our being "good people" or any other way other than our faith in what Jesus did on the cross for us. 1 Thes 5:9

(v.15) This verse speaks of the physical resurrection in the last days. When we die, our spirit will immediately be with Christ. But after the Great Tribulation, all believers will be resurrected in body, and given new heavenly bodies.

Psalm 50

(v.5) This alludes to the Rapture, where God will gather His Church before He brings His wrath upon the world.

(v.17) This is a sobering verse...all those who rejected Jesus and God's plan of redemption, will have their will be granted. They refused God's love and mercy, and they will live eternally with their own decision...eternally separated from God in hell. This is why I teach my kids that hell is real, and we need to share God's love and Gospel to all...so they can be saved from their sins that Jesus died for.

Psalm 73

The psalmist battles with the question, "Why do wicked people prosper in this world?" We all have seen the bad guys win and gain power over our lifetimes. But we must remember that this world is just a blip in eternity. What does it gain someone to be rich and powerful if they lose their soul? Matt 16:26

(v.26) I love this verse! Our flesh fails us daily, but our God does not! The more we rely on Him to guide our actions every day, the less we will allow our flesh to fail us. This is what the meaning of Jesus being our LORD really is...if we are His servants, then He is our Master.

Psalm 84

(v.5) This is a powerful verse that I focus on with my kids. We are just pilgrims here on this earth...our home is in heaven. If we keep our focus on heavenly things, and not worldly things, we will be blessed and joyful. But if we dwell upon the things of this world, we will be disappointed and miss out on God's plans for us.

(v.10) The worst job in heaven is exponentially greater than the best day on earth or in hell. I just want to be with God eternally...that may be a doorkeeper, a janitor, or whatever! No matter what it is, I will be grateful and enjoy the beauty of the LORD forever!

(v.11) I stress to my kids, that if we obey God's Word, He will bless us and give to us abundantly. He will not hold back His blessings if we are doing His will...He can't. It's against His character.

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