Leviticus 1-10
This book is often skipped or read very quickly, since it lists the Tabernacle requirements and the offering mandates. But if we look deeper, all these things point us to Christ!
We see two groups of offerings to God:
Burnt Offering ~ this offering shows us our complete consecration to God, thus, the offering was completely consumed by fire. This symbolizes the fact that our lives should be totally for God, and consumed by Him.
Grain Offering ~ This is meant to be sweet-smelling and pleasing to God. The Israelites offered this if they wanted to show God their devotion, and desire to please Him. As we all know, the smell of fresh bread baking is wonderful, so all you bakers out there, you've got a head start!
Peace Offering ~ When we have a family meal and bread is served, the bread is something we share. We all eat from it. This was the intention with Communion as well...we all eat of the bread in remembrance of Christ's sacrifice of His body for us. When the Israelites offered this peace offering, the Priests would eat, then the people would take the rest home and partake. This way, the whole community is in communion with God!
Sin Offering ~ the word "sin" means to miss the mark and was often ascribed to unintentional failings. How often have we desired to do what was right, but missed the mark?
Trespass Offering ~ These go a step further than the sin offerings, where we are in direct violation of the Law and its commandments. Most often they have to do with pride, where we slander or gossip against another.
Numbers 1-3, 8
These chapters document the census, where the people are counted. This is admittedly tough reading, but it's important to note that the Lord put these things in the Word to document it for posterity. Scholars have used these pages to research and confirm the actual people listed, and see the validity of the Bible regarding history.
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